We currently have three Bible Classes meeting on campus. Bible Classes are a great opportunity to connect with others and dive deeper into the Bible and we’d love for you to join in. After reading the class descriptions below, please fill out the form and we will reach out to you as quickly as possible.

Biblical Exploration (Room 303)- A Bible Class is a great way to get to know people, making new friends or growing an even deeper relationship with those you already know. We’d love for you to join us for a laid back, interactive conversation centered around the Bible, Jesus, and doing life in 2024. Whether you’re a scholar or a newbie, you are invited and will fit right in! The Parables (Room 307)- One of the most impactful ways Jesus taught was by telling parables or short stories that illustrate a spiritual lesson. They were meant to make his audience back then - and today - think and act. We will explore each parable, hopefully seeing and hearing things we have missed or forgotten along the way. Join us at the feet of Jesus as he tells us a story.

The Image of God (Room 314)- In this class, we are exploring what it means for us to be "created in the image of God," and how that idea is developed through the story of the Bible. Please join us for this thought-provoking exploration!